information request (Woo request)

You are entitled to information about the workings of government organizations, like the Creative Industries Fund NL. You can enquire about the Fund’s conduct and why and how a decision is made. This is laid down in the Open Government Act (Woo). If you would like to receive information, you can submit a Woo request to our Open Government Act contact person.

reliance on the Open Government Act (Woo)

You can enquire about the Creative Industries Fund NL’s conduct, its actions and why and how a decision is made. This is laid down in the Open Government Act. If you would like to receive information, you can submit a Woo request to the Fund. You will then be making use of the Open Government Act (Woo), previously the Government Information (Public Access) Act (Wob).

a Woo request must meet certain conditions

Indicate as accurately as possible what information you want.

Make sure that your request for information contains at least the following specifics:
- State the topic, the decision or the document you want information about. If you state a topic only, this must be specific enough. Thus, the topic cannot be formulated too broadly.
- It has to concern information that is demonstrably available to the Creative Industries Fund NL and that is laid down in documents that are in the Fund’s possession.
- So, the information asked for has to have been recorded in some manner by the Fund.
- The information you ask for has to relate to one of the Fund’s activities and, in that context, to an administrative matter, i.e. the Fund’s public tasks and policy including how this policy was prepared and implemented.

processing your request

The Fund will consider whether the requested information can be made public under the Woo. The Fund may not share some information with you, like confidential or privacy-sensitive data. Privacy-sensitive data will be redacted before it is provided. If the request is formulated too broadly, the Woo contact person will contact you to specify the request.

The Fund’s board must take a decision on your request within at most four weeks after its receipt. However, the Fund may extend the four-week term. In that case, you will be informed about this extension. Reasons for the extension could include, for example, the involvement of other parties.

If the Fund’s board decides in favour of your request, you will be sent the information at the same time as the decision. In the event of a negative decision, you will be informed about the reasons for that decision.

In principle, the Fund will not charge you for processing the request for information. If information cannot be provided digitally, the Fund may charge you, depending on the amount of information that is provided. The Woo contact person will always discuss this with the person requesting the information first.

request for information to the Woo contact person

Address the request to Joris van Ballegooijen, the Woo contact person at the Fund. You must submit your request in writing, by post or email, stating ‘Woo request’ and your reference to:

Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie
Woo request
PO Box 29066
3001 GB Rotterdam

If you would like to make an appointment with the Woo contact person, please send an email to Joris van Ballegooijen.