The Creative Industries Fund NL applies a number of principles for good governance and oversight. The most important are listed below.
In the performance of their tasks, the Supervisory Board and the Executive Director whose function also embraces the capacities of the Chairman of the Board, work in accordance with the Cultural Governance Code (in Dutch only). The principles are embedded in the Statutes and Regulations for Governance (in Dutch only). In the Supervisory Board model, managerial responsibility lies with the Executive Director.
The Executive Director is charged with the Fund's day-to-day management. This entails the Executive Director being responsible for the achievement of the Fund's objectives, the strategy and policy, and the results ensuing from this. The Executive Director gives account of this to the Supervisory Board and provides it with all the requisite information.
Syb Groeneveld has occupied the Fund's post of Executive Director since 1 September 2016.
All the Executive Director's tasks and competencies with respect to the awarding of project grants are specified in detail in the Regulations.
The Executive Director's tasks include formulating the following plans and revising them as necessary:
- policy plan for a period of four years
- annual budget with an explanation
- annual plan
- plan in respect of proper risk management and control system
- quarterly reports on the financial position after the past quarter and expectations for the coming quarters
- annual report and accounts
Plans formulated by the Executive Director require approval by the Supervisory Board (Raad van Toezicht or RvT). The RvT meets an average of four times a year. The chairperson of the RvT prepares the agenda, leads the meetings, ensures the correct provision of information and rigorous decision-making, and oversees the proper functioning of the RvT. Each member of the RvT must be able to contribute independently and critically to the decision-making process. The RvT maintains a great distance from the conferment of grants and commissions, as these belong to the Executive Director's responsibilities.
The Supervisory Board currently consists of:
Yasemin Tümer, chair
Owner and director of Ryt Holding BV, advice and investments in good governance and diversity
Chair of the Supervisory Board Topfonds Gelderland
Chair of the Supervisory Board woningbouwvereniging Hofwonen
Member Supervisory Board Ernst & Young Nederland
Member advisory committee Landelijke Eenheid Nationale Politie
Member of the Supervisory Board Centraal Orgaan opvang Asielzoekers (COA)
Investor in female entrepreneurship through Borski Fund and The Next Women Fund
Ambassador Dress for Success Utrecht
Tom Frantzen
Founder and director FRANTZEN et al architecten
Founder and director development & architecture Lemniskade Projects
Supervisor Architecture & Sustainability Municipality of Haarlemmermeer
Chairman of the Aesthetics and Monuments Committee of the Municipality of Maastricht
Natalie Holwijn
Senior legal advisor Infotheek Group
Member of the Supervisory Board of Woonplus Schiedam
Chair of the Supervisory Board Stichting Kunstzinnige Vorming Rotterdam (SKVR)
Pieter Siebinga
Member of the Supervisory Board of De Krim Holiday Parks Texel
Chair of the Utrecht Monument Fund/chair of regents of the Foundation Maria van Pallaes
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Amsterdam Olympic Stadium Foundation
Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Housing Association Omnia Wonen
Member of the Committee for the Redevelopment of Monuments/Pieter Van Vollenhoven Prize
Member of the Supervisory Board of Eerde International Boarding School
Marinda Verhoeven
School director HKU Design at Utrecht School of the Arts
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Spieringshoek Foundation
Board member of the Winter Light Foundation
Board member Community Fund Schiedam
schedule of retirement
Yasemin Tümer: appointed 1-4-2019; reappointed 1-4-2023 until 1-4-2027
Tom Frantzen: appointed 1-4-2019; reappointed 1-4-2023 until 1-4-2027
Natalie Holwijn: appointed 1-5-2017; reappointed 1-5-2021 until 1-5-2025
Pieter Siebinga: appointed 1-10-2022 until 1-10-2026
Marinda Verhoeven: appointed 1-10-2022 until 1-10-2026
In conformity with the requirements set for non-departmental public bodies (NDPB), the Creative Industries Fund NL has an audit and remuneration committee, both of which were set up by the Supervisory Board. The audit committee advises on the budget, annual accounts and annual report plus the financial long-term forecast and the investment budget. The remuneration committee focusses on matters relating to legal status, such as remuneration aspects, performance reviews and assessment interviews and the mutual collaboration between the Board and the Supervisory Board.
Regulations Audit committee (including composition) (in Dutch only)
Regulations Remuneration committee (including composition) (in Dutch only)
The Board’s remuneration is determined by the Supervisory Board and falls within the Senior Executives in the Public and Semi-Public Sector (Standards for Remuneration) Act. The Supervisory Board only receives an attendance fee. For more information please refer to the annual report.