Threshold Long-term Institutional Grant Scheme for the Creative Industry 2025-2028

At the end of November 2023, the Creative Industries Fund NL is due to introduce the Long-term Institutional Grant Scheme Creative Industry 2025-2028. This scheme is intended for cultural organizations whose core task includes an activities programme that contributes to the high quality, development and professionalization of today’s creative industry in the Netherlands. The Creative Industries Fund NL will henceforth apply a threshold norm to determine eligibility for a long-term institutional grant.

threshold norm

In order to submit an application to the Long-term Institutional Grant Scheme, the institution needs to be supported within the BIS (basic cultural infrastructure) in the policy period 2021-2024, or to receive a positive recommendation within this policy period under one of the following Creative Industry Fund NL schemes:
- Four-year Institutional Grant Scheme 2021-2024;
- One-year and Two-year Activities Programme Grant Scheme (for period 2021-2022);
- One-year and Two-year Activities Programme Grant Scheme 2023-2024.

important deadline: 27 September 2023

For institutions that currently do not yet meet this threshold norm but do intend to submit an application for the Long-term Institutional Grant Scheme Creative Industry 2025-2028, it is still possible to submit an application for the One and Two-year Activities Programme Grant Scheme 2023-2024. The deadline for this application is 27 September 2023. The institution will be seen to meet the threshold norm only if this application results in a positive recommendation.

why introduce a threshold norm?

With this threshold norm, the Creative Industries Fund NL aims to preserve the right balance between providing continuity for institutions currently supported on the one hand, and offering room for new parties to obtain long-term support on the other. In this way, the Fund wishes to provide all institutions that submit an application with a realistic perspective.