New grant schemes 2025-2028: the main changes
For the 2025-2028 policy period, the Fund has renewed the grant schemes for Design, Architecture and Digital Culture. We are also launching a new grant scheme for projects up to € 10,000: the Creative Industries Kick-start Grant Scheme. The new grant schemes – effective from January 2025 – will use modified application procedures and tightened frameworks. Below, we set out the main changes.
budget range
In order to achieve a lighter procedure for small-project applications, we have decided to no longer deal with them in the Design, Architecture and Digital Culture grant scheme. Whereas previously you could still go to these grant schemes with all your grant applications for projects positioning themselves within these fields regardless of size, this is changing in the new grant schemes with the introduction of a budget range. From next year, the Design, Architecture and Digital Culture grant schemes will only allow you to apply for grants of € 10,000 to a maximum of € 50,000. This grant is a contribution to the total project costs. Total project costs may therefore exceed € 50,000. A minimum of 20% of the total project costs must also be covered by co-financing.
small projects, experiments and preliminary studies
The introduction of the budget range means that for the Design, Architecture and Digital Culture grant schemes, applications can no longer be made for projects with a budget under € 10,000, and this includes starting grants, which have been eligible up until now. For small projects, experiments and preliminary studies leading to a larger project, you can now turn to the Creative Industries Kick-start Grant Scheme.
The Creative Industries Kick-start Grant Scheme replaces the Experiment Grant Scheme but has a wider scope. It is actually open to all types of small-scale project forms, as long as the total project costs do not exceed € 10,000. For each discipline – design, architecture and digital culture – there is a maximum number of applications the Fund can take into consideration. Co-financing is not a requirement. The moment the grant is awarded and has been paid out, it is also finalised immediately. This means that we do not ask for accountability when the project is completed. If you receive a grant through the Creative Industries Kick-start Grant Scheme for preliminary research, you can later apply for the follow-up project under the Design, Architecture or Digital Culture grant scheme.
phasing and maximum numbers
Apart from the budget range, we are introducing an application procedure divided into two stages to the Design, Architecture and Digital Culture grant schemes. In doing so, we are limiting the number of applications we take into consideration by setting a maximum number for this. The application in phase I is concise and functions as a kind of pre-registration. On the application form, you briefly summarise your project and indicate how the project relates to the field in which you are applying for a grant. We also ask for CVs of key performers and a digitally certified extract from the Chamber of Commerce. Applications are reviewed for entry requirements in order of submission. If your application in phase I is complete, meets the entry requirements and the maximum number of applications has not yet been reached, it will be considered for phase II and you can develop your application further. You will be given four weeks to do this. Applications that are fully developed in phase II and still meet the entry requirements are submitted to the advisory committee for assessment.
subsidy periods
A major change from the current working method is that short subsidy periods will be used instead of closing dates, and will be linked to the phasing and limiting the number of applications to be taken into consideration. During those periods, you submit your application for phase I. Once the subsidy period has closed, applications will be assessed against the entry requirements in order of receipt and taken into consideration until the set maximum number is reached. This means that the timing of submitting your application is important. Applications that are incomplete cannot be considered. So, make sure you submit your application on time and in full when a subsidy period opens.
social-design projects
The last adjustment that is important to mention is the handling of social-design projects. Previously, you could apply to the Design Grant Scheme for these. As a discipline, social design was included in this field. Social design as a concept has developed rapidly in recent years, so that now it can be better described as a movement within the various fields in the creative industries rather than as a discipline in its own right. Applications with a social-design angle can therefore be submitted to different grant schemes, but should be based on design tasks that are directly related to the field the scheme represents. We think this is important because in recent years the role of the designer has in some cases become too far removed.
consultation hours and opening subsidy periods
On the subsidy pages of the grant schemes and in the guides, you will find all the information you need to determine whether your project is eligible for a grant and what is required to prepare your application. On 9, 10 and 12 December, we are organising consultation hours for the Architecture, Digital Culture and Design grant schemes respectively. A consultation hour for the Creative Industries Kick-start Grant Scheme will follow in January 2025. The first subsidy periods for the new grant schemes will open in January 2025.
Mind that de consultation hours are in Dutch.
Are you wondering why the Fund is making various changes to grant schemes and procedures? Read the interview with our executive director Syb Groeneveld.