Architecture – 24 projects selected
In the fourth Architecture round of 2023, 24 applications have been selected. A reflection on the round.
8 February 2024
general impression
In the last round of 2023, a number of projects were supported that capture the oeuvre of significant individuals within the history of architecture, such as Autonoom: Carel Weeber, published by Maas Lawrence. Not only in the form of a publication, but also through digital archives, documentaries or public programmes. In addition to focusing on urban issues, some projects also consider transitions in village areas and the landscape, as seen in CBK Zeeland’s project Grens-gevallen. The theme of artificial intelligence and the research into it and application within architecture is also increasingly featured in the Architecture Grant Scheme.
The available budget in this round was sufficient to award a grant to all 24 positively assessed applications. A few notable projects from this round’s selection are:

The Embodied Restoration Lab - Afaina de Jong
With The Embodied Restoration Lab, architect Afaina de Jong explores practices and performances at the intersection of architectural and ecological restoration. Central to the project is participatory system design in the form of a regenerative design algorithm with ethically underpinned datasets and the redefinition of underlying standards and values for an application within architecture. Over the course of a year, a series of labs take place where a wide range of designers and experts work together to define and design the basis of a regenerative design algorithm. A regenerative design algorithm with a value system supporting restorative architectures is expected to emerge from the research, as well as a digital and physical archive of 3D models of potential restorative architectures that illustrate a systemic change in the underlying value system, standards and tools of architecture.

ArrAgorA. De Stad als Publiek Domein - Stichting CASA, Centrum voor Architectuur en Stedenbouw Arnhem
In 2024, under the motto ArrAgorA, stichting CASA is focusing on public space, where all the city’s current challenges come together and spheres and interests collide. Ways to make this shared space greener, healthier and more welcoming are being explored. With this project, CASA aims to show that our urban outdoor space could function differently. The programme consists of eight public events aimed at a wide audience, featuring inspiring speakers and guests, and covering different sub-themes that together paint a kaleidoscopic picture. These meet-ups are followed each time by a workshop (sometimes walking) where theory is compared with practice. In addition, the Petprijs is organized for the best and worst public space. Throughout the year, CASA will identify the challenges in public space based on the various themes. To do this, the organization utilizes the input and output from the meet-ups and walking workshops. By presenting new perspectives and concrete solutions (including design solutions), it offers suggestions for improvement. These will be collated at the end of the year and will land in the new map of Arnhem. To implement the programme, there are collaborations with various cultural and social organizations at city and neighbourhood level.
Of the 45 subsidy applications taken into consideration, 24 are receiving grants. This brings the percentage of applications receiving grants to 53.3%. The budget available for this round was € 400,000.
next round
The upcoming closing dates for the Architecture rounds are 25 April 2024 and 19 September 2024.
Photo at top: 5 Drijvende Tuinen – Buro Lina