Architecture – 23 projects selected
In the second Architecture round of 2023, 23 proposals have been selected. The available budget was unfortunately not sufficient to award a grant to all 38 positively assessed applications. Ibrahim Alaoui Chrifi, Architecture Grant Scheme coordinator, reflects on the round.
13 July 2023
general impression
An interesting trend can be seen in the submitted projects: investigating the past as a source of new insights for the future. Existing assumptions are questioned or redefined, or the forgotten aspects are instead given renewed attention in the light of our current zeitgeist. These developments can be seen, for example, in projects relating to 30 years’ exhibition design, housing complexes for single women in Amsterdam, the role of video stores within our cities and the substantive analysis of the Wadden area. It is interesting to reflect on the lessons learnt from successful projects, for instance by analyzing and sharing solutions to address current housing issues. By focusing on social issues, these projects contribute to a sustainable and inclusive future. The multifaceted architectural projects reflect not only the continuous evolution of the discipline, but also the growing awareness of the role architecture plays in our society. The projects inspire creative solutions where the built environment contributes to the well-being of individuals and communities.
The contribution to diversity and inclusion within the field is one of the criteria on which applications are assessed. Themes such as gender equality and the position of women within architecture come up regularly in this round. There is also a focus on involving under-represented groups to increase community engagement and public outreach. For instance, in the projects A Room for Yourself by Laura Lubbers and Border Ecologies and the Gaza Strip. Watermelon, Sardines, Crabs, Sand, and Sediment by FAST, Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory. Each project deals with this in a different way. In some projects, multiperspectivity is the substantive theme, while in others this is contributed to by creating diversity among collaboration partners and the intended audience.
The available budget of € 400,000 was not sufficient to award a grant to all 38 positively assessed applications. As a result, the advisory committee had to prioritize. The procedure used is described in the Architecture Grant Scheme. After prioritization, 15 positively assessed projects were eliminated from the selection.
A few notable projects from this round’s selection are:

Stadsscenario’s – Rinke Vreeke
With the project Stadsscenario’s, cultural programme maker and urban geographer Rinke Vreeke is experimenting with designing urban future scenarios by means of audio and world-building. These audio stories are intended to stimulate a wide audience to engage in dialogue about what makes a good design of our cities and why. Vreeke believes that a dialogue makes for more inclusive and participatory urban planning. During the preliminary research, Vreeke will engage with experts, makers and organizations such as The Lab of Thought.

De Warren – Wooncoöperatie De Warren
Housing cooperative De Warren wants to use a documentary film to share the lessons they learned about the design and construction process of their sustainable self-build De Warren in Amsterdam. The film will be divided into interviews with the initiators, archive footage from the past eight years and music by residents. To do this, they are working together with filmmaker Sam van Zoest, one of the future residents. The film will be screened at various locations around the country.

Walking Through Walls – Kossmanndejong
With the publication Walking Through Walls, from narrative to transformative space, Kossmanndejong aims to stimulate the development of the profession of exhibition design by bringing together practices from the field. In addition, the publication aims to drive critical dialogue by compiling and sharing trends, tools, and insights from the field from the past 30 years. The book reflects on the central question: how to make an impactful narrative space and how exhibition design within it can contribute to societal challenges. Drawing on both current and future design practice, Kossmanndejong aims to provide inspiration for makers, initiators, students, policymakers and others. The publication is being published by Jap Sam, with graphic design by Haller Brun and Gert Staal handling the interviews.
Click here for all the projects selected in Architecture in 2023.
Of the 66 subsidy applications taken into consideration, 23 are receiving grants. This brings the percentage of applications receiving grants to 35%.
The closing date for the next Architecture round is 10 August 2023. If you would like to apply for a starting grant in this round, use the Starting Grant Project Canvas. This canvas was introduced to the Architecture Grant Scheme as a pilot from 2023. Its aim is to lower the threshold for applying for starting grants and to promote further development towards regular project grant applications.
Photo at the top: De tuin is een proces – The World as Flatland