Stimuleringsfonds presents Talent

From 22 to 30 October, the Creative Industries Fund NL will present a new crop of emerging design talents during Dutch Design Week. Come to MU Hybrid Art House at Strijp-S and get an insight into the different design practices via one-minute film portraits. Also visit the presentations and performances of these emerging makers and designers in the Dancing with Trouble programme.

Dancing with Trouble Programme

23 Oct – Beyond Bodies

The position of humans is changing drastically. In the midst of ecological mayhem, largely caused by human interference, not our voices, but the voices of animals, nature, digital entities and other others may guide the way forward. How can artists and designers help us to connect with these entities? Which new narratives can emerge from this?

Sunday 23 October

13.00 – 13.45 hours
Performance by Ant Eye

14.00 – 15.30 hours
Fishbowl session with: Luis Ferreira, Hanneke Klaver and Tosca Schift (Ant Eye), Basse Stittgen and Dasha Tsapenko
Moderated by: Esther Muñoz Grootveld and Yophi Ignacia

16.00 – 17.00 hours
Walk-in biolab workshop by Basse Stittgen

24/25 Oct – Longing to Belong

In today’s reality, there is an increased feeling of polarization and of being detached. Society still struggles to embrace those with globalized, fluid and multi-layered identities. Indigenous knowledge, tradition and heritage are still considered as something melancholic. How can we challenge existing binaries, so all can belong? How can artists and designers guide this process?

Monday 24 October
13.00 – 14.00 hours
Reading by Charlotte Rohde

14.00 – 15.30 hours
Fishbowl session with: Ebru Aydin, Djatá Bart-Plange, Yuro Moniz and Shaquille Veldboom
Moderated by: Ebru Aydin and Manique Hendricks

15.40 – 16.00 hours
Soundscape by Djatá Bart-Plange

16.00 – 17.00 hours
Workshop by Christine Kipiriri

Tuesday 25 October

13.00 – 13.30 hours
Performative lecture by Emirhan Akin

14.30 – 15.00 hours
Making and taking Space

Fishbowl session with: Sterre Richard, Maggie Saunders, Angeliki Diakrousi and Emirhan Akin
Moderated by: Aynouk Tan and Manique Hendricks

15.00 – 16.00 hours
Workshop by Benjamin McMillan

16.00 – 17.00 hours
Performative lecture by Tabea Nixdorff

26/27 Oct – Sensing Forward

While moving towards the future, our senses, feelings and instincts are increasingly being recognized as a valuable and valid source of knowledge. To radically re-imagine the future, we need to re-learn to listen to our bodies and our subconscious mind. How can artists and designers facilitate this process?

Wednesday 26 October
13.00 – 14.00 hours
Performance and film screening Scent of Time by Emilia Tapprest (NVISIBLE.STUDIO)

14.00 – 15.30 hours
The meaning of sensing forward

Fishbowl session with: Baratto&Mouravas, Emilia Tapprest and Renske van Vroonhoven
Moderated by: Esther Muñoz Grootveld and Renee van der Hoek

Thursday 27 October
13.00 – 13.30 hours
Performative lecture by Kirsten Spruit

13.30 – 14.00 hours
Performative lecture by Colette Aliman

15.00 – 16.30 hours
Participatory workshop Design Beyond Vision by Boey Wang

28/29 Oct – Relating to Land(scapes)

With drastically changing surroundings, the effects of climate and social changes challenge us to develop new relations with land, soil and nature. At the same time, our daily lives shift to digital or hybrid spaces. What could our future look like and which skills do we need to navigate? How can artists and designers help to navigate our future land(scapes)?

Friday 28 October
13.00 – 13.25 hours
, performance by Zalán Szakács

14.00 – 15.30 hours
How the digital space relates to the physical realm

Fishbowl session with: Karin Fischnaller, Marcel Mrejen and Octave Rimbert Rivière
Moderated by: Eva van Breugel and Marieke Ladru

16.00 – 16.25 hours
Tisztás, performance by Zalán Szakács

Saturday 29 October

13.00 – 14.30 hours
From micro-level to landscape planning

Fishbowl session with: Anastasia Eggers and Lieke de Jong
Moderated by: Eva van Breugel and Justin Agyin

14.30 – 16.00 hours
Video screenings by Anastasia Eggers and Lieke de Jong (the screening will be repeated)

16.00 – 17.00 hours
The role of the designer in relation to the landscape

Fishbowl session with: Alexander Beeloo and David Schmidt
Moderated by: Eva van Breugel and Thijs van Spaandonk

30 Oct – Power to the Personal

Stories – no matter how small, personal or vulnerable – are at the center of what makes us human. Storytelling is a powerful way to connect to others and to create a sense of community. What role do personal stories and/or heritage play in today’s design practice? How do designers and artists embrace their personal narratives to contribute to change?

Sunday 30 October
13.00 – 14.00 hours
Screening by Leyla-Nour Benouniche

14.00 – 15.30 hours
Fishbowl session with: Leyla-Nour Benouniche, Rossel Chaslie, Tobie van Putten and Jarmal Martis
Moderated by: Manique Hendricks and special guest

16.00 – 16.30 hours
Collection presentation by Eduardo Leòn

16.30 – 18.00 hours
Finnissage and drinks

Emilia Tapprest, NVISIBLE STUDIO

Get an overview of all the up-and-coming designers and makers the Fund supported in recent years on Talent Platform.

Every year, emerging design talents active in the fields of design, architecture and digital culture are given the opportunity to develop themselves optimally in artistic and professional terms, thanks to a grant from the Creative Industries Fund NL. The 2022 crop of talents has now been visualized in one-minute film portraits.

How can you design based on touch and feeling? What is the best diet for our soil? And how will we dress in the future if our garments are living beings?

The 2022 crop of talents is diverse and motivated by a sense of urgency. All of them want to play an active role in necessary social change. What fresh approach is this new cohort taking? Moving along on the waves of current events, they face the future with a surprisingly hopeful attitude, with courage and with freedom.

Renske van Vroonhoven

Dancing with Trouble
Complementing the film portraits, the emerging designers and makers also present themselves to the public in person through the content programme Dancing with Trouble. Five connecting themes are key to the various presentations and performances. The Beyond Bodies theme is about ceasing to focus on humans and learning to listen to nature and other entities. Longing to Belong addresses the sense of detachment that many people struggle with in this hyper-individualistic age. What is the meaning of ‘feeling at home’ and how can designers contribute to a sense of belonging? Sensing Forward relates to the increasing recognition for feelings and experiences as a valuable and valid source of knowledge. Relating to Land(scapes) places the focus on our future landscape, and the new skills and behaviours we need to develop to live and navigate with each other. And finally Power to the Personal focuses on practices in which personal stories play an important role.

Dancing with Trouble is compiled by agog and programme maker urban-environment Eva van Breugel, programme maker and strategic consultant on the intersection of fashion, design, art and society Esther Muñoz Grootveld and programme maker, writer and researcher on contemporary art (including media art), visual and digital culture Manique Hendricks.