Presentations Abroad – 6 projects selected
In the first Open Call Presentations Abroad, a total of six projects have been selected. A reflection on the selection.
background and general impression
With the Open Call Presentations Abroad, the Fund aims to strengthen the international position of the Dutch design field by increasing its visibility. Presentations at international venues play an important role in this, provided they have a distinctive, bold or ambitious approach and offer a fresh perspective on the design field. The presentations can take different forms, such as a retrospective or group exhibition, an event or performance.
In response to the open call, proposals were submitted for a variety of presentations and locations by emerging designers and more established names, and for good collaborations with curators or other partners. The presentations are expected to raise the practice of the selected designers to a higher level internationally.

The following six projects have been selected:
- Budhaditya – The Listening Society, India
- 75B Rotterdam – 21st Century Heraldry, Groot-Brittannië
- Studio Ginevra Petrozzi – A Funeral for Digital Data, Italië
- Noa Haim – Light Lilies, Australië
- transmediale e.V. – Target for De-calibration, Duitsland
- KIKK asbl – Dutch Tales of togetherness at KIKK festival, België (photo above)
To arrive at a selection, the proposals were assessed according to the following criteria:
- The artistically relevant quality of the project;
- The designer’s planned approach and motivation;
- The motivation of the practice abroad;
- The relevance of the presentation and presentation location for the Dutch creative industries;
The assessment took the form of a tender: a number of proposals were preferred to the other submissions. The advisory committee consisted of: Angelique Spaninks, Amira Gad and Isabel Driessen.
From the 10 applications assessed, 6 were selected, bringing the percentage of applications being awarded grants to 60%. A budget of € 200,000 was available for this open call. The maximum contribution per project was € 50,000. The contribution is intended for the fee, and travel, accommodation, transport, preparation and presentation costs.
This was the first time that the Creative Industries Fund NL launched the Open Call Presentations Abroad. This call will be repeated twice in 2023. Keep an eye on our newsletter for the dates.