New committee members 2024
In recent months, new committee members were appointed in the fields of design, architecture and digital culture. In early October 2023, the Creative Industries Fund NL circulated an open call for advisers with a position as maker, designer, researcher, observer or storyteller, for example, other expertise within the creative industries. The new advisers will reinforce the various advisory committees with their expertise for the coming period. New committee members will remain appointed for a minimum of one to a maximum of four years.
7 March 2024
advisory committee
At the Creative Industries Fund NL, each advisory committee consists of a chair and a pool of advisers, each with expertise within the creative industry. The committee members advise on the content-related and qualitative value of the grant applications in the light of the Fund’s grant schemes and objectives. This advice is presented to the Board, which then takes the decision on whether to award a subsidy. New advisers are recruited every year to replace those who have reached their maximum term.
There were a total of 160 responses to the call. All the responses were submitted to an independent external selection committee that recommended candidates to the Board. The selection committee consisted of Valentijn Byvanck (chair), Ebru Aydin, Barbara Kuit and Kitty Leering. When filling the requested profiles, consideration was given to expertise, diversity, complementarity and specific specialisms within the various committees. For the Talent Development, Internationalization Design Sector and Four-year Institutional Grant Schemes, the Fund approaches candidates itself.
new advisers
As of 2024, the following advisers have been appointed to the various grant schemes:
Design: Margot Appelman, David Bennewith, Tessel Brühl, Dayna Casey, Lieselot Elzinga, Ruiter Janssen, Natasja van Loon, Jarah Stoop, Eileen Stornebrink
Architecture: Mathis Bout, Sofie de Caigny, Dingeman Deijs, Willemien van Duijn
Digital culture: Belit Sağ, Harm van de Ven
Festivals: Raya van der Kroon, Andrea Rogolino, Remco Schuurbiers
1-year and 2-year activities programmes: Henk van Dillen, Evelien Pieters, Stephanie Schuitemaker, Yagiz Soylev
We thank all the outgoing chairs and committee members for their dedication and commitment during the past years. In addition, we would like to thank all the applicants for responding.
An overview of all advisory committee members, the working method of (advisory) committees and ancillary positions is available here.