Platforms for design-based learning given follow-up in collaboration with Cultural Participation Fund

After two successful editions, the Creative Industries Fund NL and Cultural Participation Fund are jointly following up on the Open Call Platforms for design-based learning.

16 April 2024

In 2022, the Creative Industries Fund NL launched Platfoms for design-based learning. With this open call, the Creative Industries Fund NL aimed to give an impulse to initiatives that introduce young people and starting designers to Dutch maker and design culture. These initiatives respond to the growing focus among young people on developing professional and artistic design skills, and they manage to reach potential new makers from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. At the time, the call was funded from the last Covid support package, which aimed to sustainably strengthen the cultural sector with a view to the future.


After two successful editions where 27 varied and appealing platforms were supported, we are delighted that this temporary impulse is being followed up in collaboration with the Cultural Participation Fund. Both funds recognize themselves in the objectives and target groups of the open call and will implement it jointly in the coming years with the Fund carrying out the project coordination. Both funds are investing € 350,000 a year in the call.

The first edition with a budget of € 700,000 is planned for this autumn. Particular attention will be paid to the role and distribution of platforms in the region. Keep an eye on our newsletter for more information.

You can also watch the video we made following the first two editions of Platforms for design-based learning.

Video: Robbie van Zoggel