Cultural Immersive Production Voucher Pilot – 33 projects selected
In the Cultural Immersive Production Voucher Pilot, 33 applications received a voucher for the presentation of work(s) that improve the visibility of immersive productions. The pilot concerned a collaboration between the Creative Industries Fund NL and the Netherlands Film Fund. Applications could be submitted on an ongoing basis. The voucher scheme was open for 10 weeks and closed once the grant ceiling was reached. Makers, producers and institutions were all eligible to apply for a voucher.
18 April 2023
Since 2019, the Fund and the Netherlands Film Fund have been working together to strengthen the immersive, interactive media climate. The focus of this collaboration is on the development and realization of cultural media productions, such as VR, AR, 360-degree film and interactive installations. Discussions with the field revealed a need for a good infrastructure and business model for distribution and presentation of this type of work. That is why a structural grant scheme will be worked on in 2024 that specifically focuses on making a contribution (or additional contribution) to improving visibility and screening infrastructure in the Netherlands. In December 2023, this process started with a pilot. The results of this pilot will feed into the final grant scheme, which will be launched in autumn 2024.
The Cultural Immersive Production Voucher Pilot procedure is low-threshold and geared towards quick processing. In order to keep the number of applications manageable, some formal conditions were imposed, which were assessed internally.
general impression
Reactions from the field to this pilot have been largely positive. The quick decision-making (a processing time of 4 weeks) and immediate awarding of the full grant amount were particularly appreciated. A personal video interview with each applicant was also positively received. All the findings from the pilot will be taken into account in the further development of the grant scheme.
The budget for this pilot was divided into two categories: € 100,000 for makers and producers and € 150,000 for festivals and presentation institutions. A total of € 248,750 was awarded to positively assessed applications. From this amount, 20 vouchers were issued to makers or producers for the screening of a specific work and 13 vouchers went to presentation institutions and festivals.
You can find an overview of all selected projects here.
Parallel to the voucher scheme, a research study is taking place, carried out by the Nieuwe Instituut in collaboration with external researchers and a project manager. The research study consists of two parts. The first part focuses on identifying the effects of support from the Cultural immersive production voucher scheme and making recommendations for the follow-up to the pilot in autumn 2024. To do this, applications, grants awarded and rejections under the grant scheme are being analyzed. For this research, the the Nieuwe Instituut, in collaboration with Digital Culture Moonshot, has distributed questionnaires for applicants as well as people who were aware of the grant scheme but did not apply. Participation in the study is highly appreciated. The questionnaire can be found here.
The second part of the study involves a broader view of the voucher scheme and the ultimate experiences with it. In this study, the perspectives of the makers, producers, festivals and presentation institutions are also safeguarded and there is scope to look at international best practices. The results of the study should lead to tangible recommendations for improving the visibility of the digital-culture sector and the infrastructure needed for distribution. The study will continue until April 2025.
Photo at the top: InCommon, Louise