Looking back at 2023
Today the Creative Industries Fund NL is publishing its annual report 2023. We look back on a year of further growth in which we stimulated the artistic development of as many makers as possible and encouraged collaboration within and outside the sector and across borders using the power of design.
30 May 2024
Executive director Syb Groeneveld: ‘At the end of January, we published our policy plan for 2025-2028: ‘Changes in our work’. In that context, we are adapting our grant schemes to make the submission of applications more accessible and the completion of projects even more impact-oriented. We remain committed to giving the power of design a meaningful place within social issues. Last year, we did so in part under the Spatial Design Action Programme through the Room for Justice open call, and by providing insight into the results achieved within the Innovationlabs and the projects within Platforms for design-based learning. The impact we aim for as Fund could be material research that finds an application in architecture, VR experiences that give a new perspective on a healthcare environment or design research that helps change mobility in an urban environment.’
We remain committed to giving the power of design a meaningful place within social issues. – Syb Groeneveld
looking back at 2023
makers’ stories
We show the power of design in five stories. Stories about the relationship between humans and technology, about material research, about design serving local communities and about the value of interdisciplinary collaboration. In this way, we are showing that imagination, connectivity and the power of design give direction to current challenges and provide new perspectives. We hear from the following makers: AP+E, La-di-da, Maison the Faux, Monobanda and SETUP and the makers, scientists and social partners with whom they collaborated.
Besides the video portraits, the annual report contains infographics that provide insight into the distribution of the total available budget of € 25.3 million, and the results achieved. In so doing, we supported makers, designers and cultural institutions alike. With 2572 applications processed and 1117 grants awarded, last year’s percentage of applications receiving grants came to 43.4%. You can see the annual report here (in Dutch).