Venice Architecture Biennale 2021: three projects featured
Het Nieuwe Instituut and the Creative Industries Fund NL launched an open call in early October 2019 for a contribution to the public parallel program of the Dutch Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale. Entrants were invited to respond to the theme of the Dutch Pavilion: multispecies urbanism. Three projects were selected.
The three selected projects are:
Failed Architecture – Stories on Earth
Stories on Earth is an attempt to use storytelling and design to develop a critical model to challenge the current narrative about the relationship between humans and nature.
Bureau LADA – Shallow Waters
Shallow Waters is a speculative research project into aquatic biodiversity as a model for a water-related society in which humans play a secondary role.
Studio Wild – The Forbidden Garden of Europe
The Forbidden Garden of Europe (photo above) investigates to what extent spatial and social factors influence inclusive ways of living together.
The three projects were shown in the Dutch Pavilion through video portraits. Watch them here:
Read more about all the projects supported by the Fund that were on view during the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021 here.