Design, Architecture an Digital culture grant schemes open soon
On Tuesday January 14 at 10:00 AM CET, the Design, Architecture and Digital Culture grant schemes will open. For the 2025-2028 policy period, the Fund has renewed these schemes and will use modified application procedures and tightened frameworks.
The application procedure is now divided into two phases, with the first phase opening on January 14 at 10:00 AM CET and closing on January 23 at 5:00 PM CET. We are limiting the number of applications we take into consideration by setting a maximum number. After the closing date, applications will be assessed against the entry requirements in order of receipt and taken into consideration until the set maximum number is reached. This makes the timing of submitting your application important. So be on time!
If your application in phase I is complete, meets the entry requirements and the maximum number of applications has not yet been reached, it will be considered for phase II and you can develop your application further. You will be given four weeks to do this. Applications that are fully developed in phase II and still meet the entry requirements are submitted to the advisory committee for assessment.
Want to know more about the main changes? Learn more through this news item and by carefully studying the documents on the subsidy pages.