Professionalization and deepening of the practice – 32 projects selected
In the eleventh edition of the Open Call Professionalization and deepening of the practice, 32 projects have been selected. A reflection on the selection.
7 December 2023
general impression
With the Open Call Professionalization and deepening of the practice, the Creative Industries Fund NL offers makers the opportunity to develop a distinctive strategy for a future-proof design practice. Developing a long-term vision and strategy is essential to developing a professional design practice. It is important to make time for both artistic development and growth as an entrepreneur, but how do you find the right balance between the two? And how do you realize your vision for the future? The open call is aimed at makers who have had their own practice for at least three years in the field of design, architecture, digital culture or the crossovers between these fields.
The selected applicants are in different stages of development and come from a variety of disciplines, ranging from product design and crafts to architecture. They are able to motivate their visions for the future in specific and substantive terms. The strategies envisaged are a logical next step in the further development of their practice. The applications focus on taking control of their own practice and building a business structure that supports artistic development. As a result, these applications show both ambition and realism.
The following 32 applications have been selected:
ADEG Studio
Boris Kollar
C. J. Clemoes
Chris Kabel
From Form
Hozan Zangana studio (photo above)
KAS - architectuur en stedenbouw
Lotte Meeuwissen
Menkveld/Jongma Ontwerpers
Merel Witteman
Mirelle van Tulder
Octave Rimbert-Rivière
Paul Swagerman
RECONSTRUCT Collective/Studio AAN
Radical Data
Renske Bongers
Rietlanden Women’s Office
Ruben van der Scheer
SKUA Studio
Site Practice
SproetS | grafisch ontwerp, animatie en illustratie
Studio Stad
Studio ThusThat
Studio Vailly
studio ilinx
De aanvragen zijn beoordeeld door Cye Wong-Loi-Sing (digitale cultuur), Heleen van Loon (vormgeving), Johannes Verwoerd (vormgeving) en Simone Drost (architectuur). Om tot een selectie te komen, hebben de adviseurs beoordeeld in hoeverre de voorstellen consistent zijn in doel en opzet en in welke mate zij aansluiten op het thema van deze oproep en de Regeling Open Oproep. De volgende criteria zijn daarbij gehanteerd:
- De scherpte van de reflectie op de ontwikkeling van de eigen praktijk tot nu toe en hoe deze stap van meerwaarde kan zijn voor een meer toekomstbestendige praktijk;
- De kwaliteit van het plan van aanpak in relatie tot het beoogde resultaat;
- De artistieke kwaliteit van het portfolio;
- De kwaliteit van de bijdrage van de betrokken partners/adviseurs.
The applications were assessed by Cye Wong-Loi-Sing (digital culture), Heleen van Loon (design), Johannes Verwoerd (design) and Simone Drost (architecture). To arrive at a selection, the advisers assessed the extent to which the proposals were consistent in purpose and design and how well they fit in with the theme of this call and the Open Call Grant Scheme. The following criteria were used:
- The sharpness of the reflection on the development of their own practice until now and how this step can add value for a more future-proof practice;
- The quality of the planned approach in relation to the intended result;
- The artistic quality of the portfolio;
- The quality of the contribution of the partners/advisers involved.
From the 74 applications assessed, 32 proposals were selected, bringing the percentage of applications being awarded grants to 43%. The selected projects are spread across the disciplines as follows: 17 in design, 8 in architecture, 2 in digital culture and 5 interdisciplinary projects. A budget of € 300,000 was available for the Open Call Professionalization and deepening of the practice. The maximum contribution per proposal was € 8,250.