International Vouchers – 55 projects selected
In the first round of International Vouchers in 2023, 55 proposals were granted. The procedure of Vouchers International is low-threshold and focused on quick processing.
11 October 2023
International Vouchers can be applied for by Netherlands-based professionals in the fields of design, architecture and/or digital culture who have been invited by a foreign party to give a presentation, lecture or workshop, for example. The grant is intended as a contribution to the cost of an activity abroad, which can increase the impact of an existing project and/or the applicant’s practice internationally. Think of compensation of hours, travel and accommodation expenses directly related to the foreign activity, and other expenses necessary for the applicant to carry out the foreign activity.
general impression
Most of the foreign activities for which an application has been submitted involve giving a presentation, lecture, expertmeeting or workshop that contributes to strengthening their international practice, experience and exchange. In some cases, different activities are combined within a single trip. In the case where another activity was chosen, it involved a jury panel and a master class. The 55 voucher-supported activities take place across 29 countries, including Canada, Chile, Germany, Kosovo, the Philippines, India, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Turkey, South Korea and South Africa. Interestingly, eight vouchers were requested for activities in the United States and six for Spain.
The procedure of Vouchers International is low-threshold and focused on quick processing. All applications were assessed on the following criteria:
- The applicant is previously positively assessed by the Creative Industries Fund NL;
- A motivated invitation from a foreign party;
- A financial contribution from the inviting foreign party to the cost of the foreign activity;
- The contribution to the applicant’s professional practice.
A budget of € 100,000 was available for this open call. The maximum contribution per project is € 1,500 or € 2,500, depending on the location of the activity within or outside Europe.
You can find an overview of all selected projects here.
On 20 September 2023, the new International Vouchers period opened. Given the available budget of € 50,000, the grant scheme will close when 30 complete applications have been submitted.