Advance notice: strengthened collaboration between universities of applied sciences and the creative industries

At the end of November, the Creative Industries Fund NL in collaboration with Regieorgaan SIA launched a grant scheme for universities of applied sciences and cultural institutions from the creative industries. Based on equal partnerships, they can work on developing artistic and design research methods that can be utilised to address social issues.


The major societal challenges of our time, such as the emergence of new technologies and the energy transition, require a complex interplay of knowledge, experience and expertise. These challenges – often referred to as ‘wicked problems’ – demand innovative forms of knowledge development. To achieve this, strengthened collaboration between science and designers and makers from the creative industries is needed.

The Creative Industries Fund NL and Regieorgaan SIA are responding to this urgency through the Artistic and Design Research grant scheme. With this new grant scheme, both organisations aim to strengthen the development of artistic and design research methods to tackle societal challenges. They do this by pooling ambitions and jointly connecting design talent and universities of applied sciences to other disciplines and sectors, thereby increasing the quality and impact of practice-based artistic and design research. This approach is expected to explore and enrich the knowledge field with new knowledge, research, research methods, experiences and insights at the intersection of artistic design practice and practice-based research.

The Artistic and Design Research grant scheme is part of the Cultural and Creative Sector pilot programme. This is a pilot programme by Regieorgaan SIA, the Creative Industries Fund NL and the Cultural Participation Fund. The pilot programme runs for the period 2025-2027.

Target group

Only a selection of government-funded universities of applied sciences can submit an application to the Artistic and Design Research grant scheme. It concerns 15 institutions that are included in the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences’ Sector Agenda for Higher Art Education 2021-2025, namely:

  • Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
  • ArtEZ University of the Arts
  • Avans Hogeschool
  • Codarts Rotterdam
  • Design Academy Eindhoven
  • Fontys Hogescholen
  • Gerrit Rietveld Academie
  • Hanzehogeschool Groningen
  • Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag
  • Hogeschool Inholland
  • Hogeschool Leiden
  • Hogeschool Rotterdam
  • Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
  • NHL Stenden Hogeschool
  • Zuyd Hogeschool

Each university of the arts mentioned above may submit one application. The university submitting the application forms a consortium with a cultural institution that is either supported by the Creative Industries Fund NL for four years in the period 2025-2028, or is included in the Basic Cultural Infrastructure (BIS) in this period.

The following are the cultural institutions supported through the Four-year Institutional Grant Scheme for Creative Industries 2025-2028:

  • iii (instrument inventors initiative)
  • Independent School for the City
  • Pakhuis de Zwijger
  • Playgrounds
  • Sonic Acts
  • Stichting AIR
  • Stichting SETUP
  • The Hmm
  • V2_Lab voor instabiele media

The following cultural institutions will be supported via the Basic Cultural Infrastructure (BIS) in 2025-2028:

  • Ateliers ’63
  • Dutch Design Foundation
  • Europees Keramisch Werkcentrum
  • Internationale Architectuur Biënnale Rotterdam
  • MU Hybrid Art House
  • Next Nature Network
  • Nieuwe Instituut
  • Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
  • State of Fashion
  • TETEM kunstruimte
  • Mommerskwartier (TextielLab)
  • Van Eyck
  • Waag Society

In addition to the university applicant and cultural institution co-applicant, the consortium consists of at least one partner, which could be another university of applied sciences or practice partner, i.e. a maker or designer from the creative industry or other professionals or public parties who are part of the professional practice relating to the central theme. This ensures that the knowledge and expertise developed is safeguarded. Research projects must focus on one of the central topical themes: artificial intelligence and circularity.

Applying and matchmaking meeting

Applications for the Artistic and Design Research grant scheme are made via Regieorgaan SIA, which is possible from the end of November. The budget of the grant scheme is €875,000. The grant to be applied for per project is a minimum of €100,000 and a maximum of €125,000. Bearing this in mind, we expect to support up to seven applications. The grant scheme has a single round for now.

For those universities of applied sciences and cultural institutions eligible for the grant, we are hosting a matchmaking meeting on December 13. They will be invited to the meeting by email.