Support Fund for Ukrainian artists now open
The Support Fund for Ukrainian Artists is now open for applications. The Dutch cabinet earlier announced that a million euro would be set aside this year to give temporary support to artists who have fled Ukraine and Russia and are living in the Netherlands, to enable them to continue their work here. The Support Fund is intended for both individual artists and groups. Applications can be made through the Dutch Foundation for Literature, via this website.
Update 2 November 2022: The total budget of the support programme has been reserved, therefore the application form is closed. Organisations that have already made an application(s) will receive a decision within four to six weeks after the date of application(s).
Applications can be submitted by a Dutch legal entity, for instance a cultural organisation or institution, on behalf of, and with the consent of, an individual artist or group of artists. The Dutch organisation or legal entity can either submit applications for a maximum of three individual artists from Ukraine or Russia or submit one application for a group of a maximum of fifteen people. The artist(s) should have at least three years of professional work experience in their discipline. All disciplines qualify: film, performing arts, visual arts, creative industries (including architecture and design), cultural education, cultural heritage and literature.
This year the Support Fund will enable at least 95 artists who have fled to the Netherlands to continue their work here. A maximum of € 9,900 is available per application. Financial resources for the Support Fund have been made available by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BZ). The programme is administered by the Dutch Foundation for Literature, in collaboration with the other Dutch national cultural foundations (the Creative Industries Fund NL, the Mondriaan Fund, the Netherlands Film Fund, the Performing Arts Fund NL and the Cultural Participation Fund).
Applications are considered in the order in which they arrive, according to the date on which the complete application is received. The programme will be open until 15 November 2022 or will close sooner, should the total budget of € 945,000 already have been allocated.
The details and the application form are available on this website under the heading Subsidies. Applications can be made in Dutch or English by the legal entity based in the Netherlands.