Cultural Immersive Production Voucher Pilot
For makers, producers, festivals and presentation institutions that distribute and sceen Dutch immersive media productions.
budget reached
budget reached
Important information
This grant scheme is open to professionals in the field of immersive media productions who are based in the Netherlands. Besides individual makers and producers, festivals and presentation institutions can also apply for a voucher.
Unlike standard film productions, cultural immersive media productions such as VR, AR, 360-degree film or immersive installations are yet to have a strong distribution network and financial business model in The Netherlands. Together with the Netherlands Film Fund, the Creative Industries Fund NL wants to boost the distribution and screening of these productions. This pilot anticipates a structural voucher procedure that the funds plan to open in the second half of 2024.
Vouchers are available within two categories:
- Category I: € 5,000 to be applied for by makers and producers as a contribution to the distribution/screening costs of a Dutch cultural immersive media production. At the time of application, the work/project will be largely or completely finalized and/or will be ready for presentation within the foreseeable future.
- Category II: a maximum of € 15,000 to be applied for by festivals and presentation institutions to put on a presentation or an exhibition of one or more works. The amount of the grant requirement is based on a contribution of € 2,500 per presented work.
The categories are explained in the Cultural Immersive Production Voucher Pilot.
In order to prepare the application, it is important for you to acquire the right information based on the following documents:
Cultural Immersive Production Voucher Pilot
Applications are assessed on the basis of the scheme Cultural Immersive Production Voucher Pilot. This states the criteria, procedure and objective.
Voucher Procedure Grant Scheme
Applications are also assessed on the basis of the Voucher Procedure Grant Scheme. This states the general conditions, grounds for refusal, method of publication, method of submission, assessment, award and grant obligations.
Applications in both categories consist of:
- application form;
- project description or presentation plan (at least 3 and at most 5 pages A4 in PDF);
- budget for the amount of the voucher specifying costs for distribution and/or making the work/project ready for presentation. Please note: the voucher may not be used for development or realization costs;
- marketing and communication plan;
- extract from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce
- where applicable: letters of intent from or cooperation agreements with the most important external project partners.
Please note: Applications that are not complete will not be considered. The grant scheme closes when the grant ceiling is reached.
To be eligible for a voucher, the application/applying party must meet the following criteria (in both categories):
1. The application is complete;
2. The applicant is located in the Netherlands;
3. The work/project is a cultural immersive media production: an audiovisual production using immersive techniques, such as VR, AR, 360-degree film or a a room-scale interactive installation;
4. The work/project is largely or completely finalized at the time of application and/or ready for presentation within the foreseeable future;
5. The presentation/screening takes place in March 2025 at the latest;
6. The applicant will cooperate in the study of the results of the vouchers granted.
Applications in category I are subject to the condition that the project has been granted a contribution from one of the following funds: national cultural funds, NPO Innovation Fund, NPO Cross-over Fund, Cultuurloket DigitALL, VSBfonds, Stichting DOEN, Fonds 21, Cultuurfonds, SIDN Fonds, Niemeijer Fonds, Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds, Stichting Stokroos, Go Fonds, Pauwhoff Fonds, Amarte Fonds, Stichting Zabawas, BNG Cultuurfonds.
Applicants in category II are subject to the condition that the current Guideline for Artists’ Fees will be applied to determine the fees of the makers involved. Also, the festival or institution must have been supported in the past five years under the BIS (Basic Infrastructure) or by one of the national cultural funds.
Applications will be assessed in order of submission. Here, the moment the application is complete applies. After you have submitted the application, you will receive an automated acknowledgement of receipt.
The manner of assessment and subsequent advice to the Creative Industries Fund NL’s board on granting or rejecting the application is described in Article 9 of the Voucher Procedure Grant Scheme. The Fund will endeavour to meet a processing period of four weeks.
If the advice is positively assessed, the entire grant will immediately be fixed and transferred. All applicants who receive a voucher will be invited to fill in a short questionnaire within twelve months after the voucher has been issued. You are therefore not required to account for the voucher in a financial and substantive report.
There are certain obligations attached to receiving a grant. These obligations are described in Section 5 of the Voucher Procedure Grant Scheme. In any case, the grant may only be used for activities that are described in the application. The applicant must immediately report any changes to the set-up and implementation of the project or presentation or changed circumstances, if they affect the purpose and set-up of the project or presentation.

Steps to take
Do you want to apply for a subsidy under this grant scheme?
Start your applicationIf some of the information is not clear, email your question to Sean Gilis. You can also call on 010 436 16 00. If you have a more general question, have a look at our frequently asked questions first.