Architecture – 14 projects selected

In the third Architecture round of 2022, 14 proposals have been selected. The available budget was unfortunately not sufficient to award a grant to all positively assessed applications. Maarten Tas, Architecture Grant Scheme coordinator, reflects on the round.

general impression

The proposals submitted for this round represent a wide range of topics and project forms. Many major current social issues are represented. Ranging from research into forms of housing and densification, new forms of living/working, dealing with the effects of climate change, circular building methods, and involving more diverse groups of people in the design process, to thinking about the digital future and the role architecture plays in it.


The available budget of € 280,100 was not sufficient to award a grant to all 25 positively assessed applications. As a result, the advisory committee had to prioritize. The procedure used is described in the Architecture Grant Scheme. After prioritization, 11 projects were eliminated from the selection. A few notable projects from this round’s selection are:

Urban sport Architecture in het publieke domein – OFMAA
Urban sports have become part and parcel of our society, according to Guido Schuurman and Arun Jansen. The architects note that within the existing literature on the origins of these sports, there is hardly any focus on the impact of urban sports locations on public space. The aim of this project is to achieve a spatial vision for better integration of urban sports in the public space of the future. In the start-up phase, preparatory research will be conducted, including spatial analyses of existing skateparks. Interviews will also be conducted with users, policymakers, designers and implementers. The resulting vision will be tested in a number of case studies developed with users. The research serves as the basis for a publication on the impact of urban sports on public space in the Netherlands and a vision for their integral incorporation to achieve higher-quality public space. Schuurman and Jansen collaboration partners for this project include skateboarding experts Michael Groenewegen (director indoor skatepark Amsterdam NDSM) and Rich Holland (Floda31). Also involved are Rob Rouleaux (photography), Maud van Rossum (graphic design) and Nienke Jansen (copy-editing).

Image: Studio Hanna Prinssen

A Dutch Fire Scape – Studio Hanna Prinssen
Changes in the climate are increasing the risk of wildfires in the Netherlands. Hanna Prinssen sees that as a country we are organized to protect ourselves from water, but wonders if we are also prepared for long periods of drought and the associated wildfires. With this project, Studio Hanna Prinssen is conducting design research into possible adaptations in the coastal area to learn to live with fire. The project consists of a comprehensive landscape analysis of the coastal landscape at different scales. The analysis will be carried out based on walks, map study and historical analysis, and will lead to a strategic design to make the coastal area of the Netherlands wildfire-safe and resilient to longer periods of drought. The results will be summarized in a report and shared with the various stakeholders by means of a presentation and a video. From the preliminary investigation, the stichting NH Bos (NH Forest Foundation) is involved. Other partners involved are Jelmer Dam (NIPV) and the VU Amsterdam.

Image: Valiz

Smooth City – Valiz
Architecture critic and author René Boer and designer Kees de Klein are collaborating with publisher Valiz on a publication about the ‘smooth city’. This term refers to the polished and controllable urban landscape that is emerging worldwide, ranging from plazas and city districts to gated communities. The development responds to the wish for a safe, functional and clean environment, but also has a negative impact on the social, economic and cultural functioning of the city, according to the authors. For instance, there is less room for unexpected encounters, non-conformist lifestyles and poorer residents. This development is problematic because it undermines the city’s democratic character and emancipatory potential. The publication clarifies the topic, and provides a theoretical framework and agenda-setting. Several thematic activities will be organized around the publication of the book to inform both experts and a wider audience and allow them to reflect on how they relate to this phenomenon.

Image: Ahmed Batman

The Chidori – Ahmed Batman
With the project The Chidori, designer Ahmed Batman is searching for the ideal living space that is based on polyvalence, temporality and community spirit. To answer various ecological and spatial challenges, Batman has developed an innovative residential concept: the Chidori Studio. Designed as a temporary structure using the Japanese wood-joining technique Chidori, the studio is self-sufficient; using an off-grid system, the user generates their own energy, making it independent of the gas and electricity networks. Ahmed Batman wants to bring together pupils and students from different types of education and local residents in Amsterdam Nieuw-West to build this studio. After realization, the studio will be assessed by various experts and stakeholders during a testing phase. The aim of the project is to encourage an innovative perspective on housing in a creative and social way by means of co-creation workshops. The project consists of three phases: design research, pilot living and knowledge sharing. Collaboration partners involved include Buurtwerkplaats Noorderhof, Montessori Lyceum Oostpoort, Land Art Delft, The Beach (Garage Notweg) and INESPO.

Image: Studio Pınar Balat

Hersteld en verdicht – Studio Pınar Balat
In many post-war neighbourhoods, demolition-newbuild projects are underway. These are often urban-renewal plans developed top-down that ignore the future of existing residents and the social resilience in the neighbourhood. Together with Igor Sladoljev, Pınar Balat plans to establish a design-research project to develop an alternative process for the equitable renewal and densification of vulnerable neighbourhoods. Residents are placed at the centre of the design process. Based on democratic co-creation sessions, Pınar Balat and Igor Sladoljev are developing a toolbox of urban-design interventions that will establish a vision for restoring and densifying the area in question. In addition, the team is creating a ‘digital twin’ and a film, with the aim of ensuring inclusive representation and communication of the vision and process.

Click here for all the projects selected in Architecture in 2022.


Of the 44 subsidy applications taken into consideration, 14 are receiving grants. This brings the percentage of applications receiving grants to 32%. The closing date for the last Architecture round of 2022 was 13 October. The closing dates for this year are: 19 January 2023, 20 April 2023, 10 August 2023 and 12 October 2023. The first round of 2023 is already open for applications.