Open Call Platforms for design-based learning

For workshops, labs and other alternative, informal platforms that encourage practical skills and design strategies in young talent and connect them with professionals in the design field.


deadline passed

€ 100.000

maximum amount to apply for

€ 1.000.000

budget 2022

Important information

With this open call, the Fund wants to give a boost to initiatives and platforms that connect young people and starting designers with today’s maker and design culture. The Fund makes grants available that can be used to develop and implement a substantive programme and strengthen the professionalism and position of the organization. This call is in line with the Fund’s commitment to a more inclusive design sector.

This open call is open to:
- platforms, organizations or institutions whose programmes relate to the design field or maker culture;
- parties that are in the process of being started up or whose start is part of the programme are also welcome to submit an application.

Within this open call, a maximum of five institutions that are already receiving multi-year support from the government or one of the national culture funds can be supported.

Programmes lasting up to one year, taking place in 2023, involving one or more professional designers, and focused on one or more of the activities listed below:
- education, knowledge development or knowledge transfer in the form of technical, artistic or practical skills;
- developing design strategies;
- supporting starting young makers in building a portfolio, strengthening networks and/or starting their own practice within the creative industry.

Other activities that benefit (maximum 35% of eligible costs):
- professionalization of their own organization;
- strengthening the positioning of their own organization.

In addition to Article 5 of the Open Call Grant Scheme, no application can be made within this procedure if:

- the same activities are already being subsidized:
• under the Grant Scheme on specific cultural policy (Basic Infrastructure);
• on the basis of another grant scheme of one of the national culture funds.
- the application is submitted by an educational institution.

Proposals may, however, include a connection with education, or a collaboration with educational institutions, as long as the activities fall outside regular educational practice, for instance in the form of a Summer School programme.

In addition, parties who apply within this open call cannot apply for the same activities for the year 2023 in the 1 and 2-year activities programme Grant Scheme.

To prepare the application, it is important to inform yourself properly by reading the following documents:

Open Call Platforms for design-based learning
The assessment of applications is based on the Open Call Platforms for design-based learning (in Dutch only). This describes the background and objective, central questions, criteria and procedure.

Grant application guide
In the Grant Application Guide you will find guidelines and tips for preparing a grant application. Based on this, you can draw up the most complete application possible.

Open Call Grant Scheme
The assessment of applications is also based on the Open Call Grant Scheme. This describes the general conditions, grounds for refusal, method of publication, method of submission, assessment, awarding of a grant and subsidy obligations.

Applications are assessed on the basis of the Open Call Platforms for design-based learning and the Open Call Grant Scheme.

assessment criteria
- set-up of the programme;
- role and quality of the designers involved;
- accessibility of the programme;
- sustainability of the programme and positioning of the organization;
- addition to the existing infrastructure.

When you have submitted your application, the Fund Desk will check if your application complies with the formal requirements of the Open Call Grant Scheme.

An independent advisory committee assesses your application on the basis of the Open Call Platforms for design-based learning and the Open Call Grant Scheme. The committee issues a recommendation to the Board of the Fund.

The assessment of the open call takes the form of a tender: this means that, within the available budget, a number of proposals will be prioritized over other submissions. Only programmes with a positive assessment can be supported.

The Board will take the committee’s recommendation into account in their decision to award the grant or not. You are informed of this decision by means of an official notification.

If you receive a subsidy from the Fund, you also enter into obligations. Two weeks before completion of your project, you receive an e-mail requesting you to submit your accountability report in the online application environment.

How to achieve a convincing application?

Steps to take

Do you want to apply for a subsidy under this open call?

Start your application
Would you like to apply for a grant with this open call?

If anything is not clear, please send your question by e-mail to Inge Schouten. You can also phone 010 436 16 00. If you have a more general question, read the frequently asked questions first.