Upstream Grant Scheme: Music x Design

For collaborative projects with pop musicians focusing on innovative, artistic applications of design, image or technology within pop music sector.


closing date passed

€ 350.000

budget current round

€ 630,000

budget 2024

Important information

This scheme is, this year for the last time, open to collaborative projects between pop artists and designers or makers from the creative industry. Applications must be submitted by the party involved in the creative industry.

Grants are awarded to projects that focus on innovative (artistic) applications of design, image or technology within pop music. The projects should result in physical and/or virtual presentations, products, installations or interventions that are shared with a wide audience. The premiere of the projects must take place in the Netherlands.

In order to prepare the application, it is important for you to acquire the right information based on the following documents:

Grant Application Guidelines Upstream: Music x Design

The Grant Application Guidelines provides guidance and tips on preparing a grant application and an explanation of the criteria. You can use it for drawing up your application as completely as possible.

Upstream: Music x Design Grant Scheme

Applications are assessed on the basis of the Upstream: Music x Design Grant Scheme. This states the conditions, criteria and objectives.

do you have any specific questions?

Do you have any specific questions about your project plan? You can submit a concept to the staff of this scheme no later than two weeks before the closing date via mail.

No grant can be awarded within this scheme for:
- projects in which none of the collaborating parties is primarily active within the disciplines of architecture, design or digital culture;
- projects that do not go beyond regular practice, such as conventional video clips or stage concepts, merchandising and artist branding;
- platforms and (cultural) organisations, they may be involved as partners but not act as main applicants of the project;
- projects where there is no equal collaboration between a designer and music artist.

Applications are assessed by this scheme's advisory committee. This is done on the basis of the Upstream: Music x Design Grant Scheme.

assessment criteria starting grant

- artistic quality
- impact
- objective and set-up

assessment criteria project grant

- artistic quality
- impact
- objective and set-up
- audience strategy
- diversity and inclusion


When you have submitted your application, the Fund Desk will check if your application complies with the formal requirements of the Upstream: Music x Design Grant Scheme.


An independent advisory committee will assess your application on the basis of the Upstream: Music x Design Grant Scheme. The committee advises the Fund's Board.


If the total amount requested in the applications eligible for funding exceeds the budget available for that particular grant round, prioritization will take place.


The Board takes account of the committee's advice in its decision on the rejection or provision of the grant. You will be notified about the result in a decision.


If you receive a grant from the Fund, then you will have to comply with the obligations. Two weeks before the conclusion of your project, you will be asked by email to submit your accountability form in the application environment.

How to achieve a convincing application?

Steps to take

Do you want to apply for a subsidy under this grant scheme?

Start your application
do you have any questions?

If some of the information is not clear, email your question to our colleagues of the Upstream Grant Scheme: Music x Design. You can also call on 010 436 16 00. If you have a more general question, have a look at our frequently asked questions first.