Open Call Room for Design Critique, Reflection and Debate

For activities by observers, makers and platforms that contribute to enhancing reflection and debate within today’s design practice.


the deadline was June 15, 2022

€ 15,000

maximum amount to apply for

€ 80,000


Important information

The design field is evolving rapidly – not only are the boundaries between the design disciplines blurring, but theory and practice also seem to be merging. These developments ask for new, up to date work formats and presentation forms. How can design critique, reflection and debate be applied within this changing landscape? And how can reflection on the design practice contribute to defining the significance of design for society? Through this open call, the Fund wants to create room for reflection on the design practice in various forms. Broadening, deepening and approaching design critique, reflection and debate from a plurality of perspectives, stimulates a strong and inclusive design climate.

This open call is open to projects initiated by designers, makers, observers, agencies or cultural institutions that are active within the fields of design, architecture and digital culture or any crossovers between them.

exclusion from this open call

This open call is not open to institutions that have a structural grant relationship with the Dutch Government or that have received a grant from the Fund under the Four-year Institutional Grant Scheme for the Creative Industry 2021-2024.

Observers, makers and platforms can submit an application for projects that contribute to this in terms of substance, collaborations or presentation forms.

The maximum contribution per project is € 15,000, co-financing is not required.

The projects may, for instance, focus on:
- theoretical research and reflection, aimed at questioning current developments within the design disciplines;
- practice-based critique;
- activities that engage designers, observers or researchers in debate or activities which involve a wider audience;
- using experimental work formats, new target audiences and surprising collaborations in the field of design critique.

In order to prepare the application, it is important to acquire the right information based on the following documents:

Open Call Room for Design Critique, Reflection and Debate
Applications are assessed on the basis of the Open Call Room for Design Critique, Reflection and Debate, which describes the reason and objective, central questions, criteria and procedure.

Grant Application Guidelines
The Grant Application Guidelines provide guidance and tips on preparing a grant application. You can use it to draw up your application as completely as possible.

Open Call Grant Scheme
Applications are assessed on the basis of the Open Call Grant Scheme, which describes the general conditions, grounds for rejection, manner of publication, submission procedure, assessment, the award and any grant obligations.

Applications are assessed on the basis of the Open Call Room for Design Critique, Reflection and Debate and the Open Call Grant Scheme.

assessment criteria
- the quality of the proposal in relation to enhancing design critique, reflection and debate within the creative industry;
- the distinctive value of the proposal to the design practice;
- the extent to which the proposal contributes to multiperspectivity and an inclusive design climate;
- the scope of the proposal in relation to target groups and any collaborations.

When you have submitted your application, the Fund Desk will check if your application complies with the formal requirements of the Open Call Grant Scheme.

An independent advisory committee will assess your application on the basis of the Open Call Grant Scheme and Open Call Room for Design Critique, Reflection and Debate. The committee advises the Fund’s Board.

The assessment of the open call takes the form of a tender: this means that within the available budget, a number of proposals are chosen above the others. Only positively assessed applications will be supported.

The Board takes account of the committee’s advice in its decision on the rejection or provision of the grant. You will be notified about the result in a decision.

If you receive a grant from the Fund, then you will have to comply with the obligations. Two weeks before the conclusion of your project, you will be asked by email to submit your accountability form in the application environment.

How to achieve a convincing application?

Steps to take

Do you want to apply for a subsidy under this open call?

Start your application
do you have any questions?

If some of the information is not clear, email your question to Joanette van der Veer. You can also call on 010 436 16 00. If you have a more general question, have a look at our frequently asked questions first.