Salone del Mobile 2025 Vouchers

For Dutch designers, makers and design agencies invited to present their work in Milan during the Salone del Mobile in 2025.


reached the maximum of 10 applications

€ 5,000

max application amount

€ 50,000

total budget 2025

Important information

With this procedure, the Fund wants to present talent from the Dutch design sector in Milan and increase the international visibility of the Dutch creative industry. In addition, the intention of this support is to exchange the knowledge and experiences gained and to build and maintain long-lasting international relationships.

This grant scheme is open to professional designers and makers based in the Netherlands or the Dutch Caribbean who work in the fields of design, product and furniture design. Organisations and collectives may also apply for a voucher. In that case, the voucher is linked to one person within the organisation.


  • The applicant has to be registered in the Commercial Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce or in one of the Chambers of Commerce that fall within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

  • The application must include a motivated invitation written by a relevant foreign party involved in Salone del Mobile 2025.
  • The applicant must have received a positive assessment within one of the Fund’s grant schemes or open calls in the last five years at the time of submission.

Grant applications may cover the hourly fee and the travel and accommodation expenses that are directly related to a presentation at Salone del Mobile 2025 and/or other expenses that the applicant needs to incur to be able to carry out this activity abroad, just as long as the activity contributes to enhancing the applicant’s international practice, experience and exchange.

In preparation for the application, it is important to inform yourself well using the following documents:

Salone del Mobile 2025 Vouchers

The Salone del Mobile 2025 Vouchers describes the reason and objective, criteria and procedure.

Voucher Procedure Grant Scheme

Applications are assessed on the basis of the Voucher Procedure Grant Scheme, which describes the general conditions, grounds for rejection, manner of publication, submission procedure, assessment, the award and any grant obligations.

Complete applications will be assessed internally by the Fund based on the following criteria:

  • Motivated invitation
  • Contribution to the professional practice
  • Previous positive assessment

After the three conditions stated above have been met, the applicant will be invited to a short online meeting with the Fund during which a decision on the application will be taken. This meeting will, in principle, take place six weeks after submission.

grant procedure

After you have submitted the application, you will receive an automated acknowledgement of receipt via the Fund’s application platform. Grant applications will be processed in the order of submission, with the date of submission of a complete application being decisive in that regard. If the grant ceiling for the procedure is exceeded before that date, it will close immediately, and any proposals submitted after that will no longer be processed. For this procedure, there is a grant ceiling of € 50,000. The Fund expects to be able to support ten proposals with a maximum budget of € 5,000. Only positively assessed projects may be supported.


The manner of assessment and subsequent advice to the Fund’s board on granting or rejecting the application are described in Article 9 of the Voucher Procedure Grant Scheme. The Fund will endeavour to meet a processing period of six weeks.


There are certain obligations attached to receiving a grant. These obligations are described in Section 5 of the Voucher Procedure Grant Scheme. In all cases, the grant may only be used for activities that are described in the application. The applicant must immediately report any changes to the set-up and implementation of the trip or changed circumstances, if they affect the trip’s objective and set-up.

The Fund will invite the supported proposals for Salone del Mobile 2025 to an informative meeting in March 2025.

Hoe kom je tot een overtuigende aanvraag?

tip 1

be clear and do not repeat yourself

tip 2

support your proposal with visuals

tip 3

draw up a realistic budget

tip 4

take into your account your fee and those of partners

tip 5

ask for feedback and fine-tune your proposal

Steps to take

Do you want to apply for a subsidy under this grant scheme?

Start your application
do you have any questions?

If some of the information is not clear, email your question to or call the Fund on +31(0)10-436 16 00. The Fund will not review draft proposals within this procedure.