Internationalization of the Design Sector Grant Scheme

We are in the process of renewing this grant scheme for 2025. It is expected to be published in March. The information below relates to the 2024 grant scheme. Keep an eye on our newsletter and website for the latest updates.


closing date passed

Important information

This grant scheme is open to projects by professional makers, spectators, design agencies, cultural institutions or organizations that are realized in collaboration with one or more international partners and whose activities mainly take place abroad.

The grant scheme is for projects aimed at research and collaboration in an international context, and whose activities mainly take place abroad, with one or more international partner(s). From the context of the Dutch creative industry, the projects should contribute to strengthening international exchange and sustainable international cooperation.

Travel costs to countries or areas where code red currently applies are not eligible. Check

The following grants may be provided:
- regular project grant, co-financing is required
- a starting grant to explore the possibilities of a project, up to a maximum of € 7,500, co-financing is not required

We are in the process of renewing this grant scheme for 2025. It is expected to be published in March. The information below relates to the 2024 grant scheme. Keep an eye on our newsletter and website for the latest updates.

In preparation of the application, it is important to be well informed on the basis of the following documents:

Grant Application Guide

In the Grant Application Guide Internationalization you will find handles and tips for preparing a subsidy application and an explanation of the criteria. Based on this, you can prepare an application that is as complete as possible.

Grant Programme Internationalization

Applications are assessed on the basis of the Internationalization of the Design Sector Grant Scheme. This describes the conditions, criteria and objectives.

do you have any specific questions?

Do you have any specific questions about your project plan? You can submit a concept to the staff of this scheme no later than two weeks before the closing date via e-mail.

Applications are assessed by the advisory committee of this scheme. This is done on the basis of the Internationalization of the Design Sector Grant Scheme.

assessment criteria

- artistic-content value
- significance of the chosen theme and question or design assignment in relation to foreign demand and its relevance for the Dutch creative industry
- effectiveness in design, methodology, expertise involved and the expected reach

The criteria are explained in the Grant Application Guide.


Once you have submitted your application, the Fund will check the application against the formal requirements of the Grant Programme Internationalization.


An independent advisory committee will assess your application on the basis of the Grant Programme Internationalization. The committee issues its advice to the board of the Creative Industries Fund NL.


If the total of applications eligible for subsidy exceeds the available budget for the round, priority will be given.


The board takes the advice of the committee into account when deciding whether or not to grant the subsidy. You will be informed of this decision by means of a decision.


If you receive a subsidy from the Creative Industries Fund NL, you also enter into obligations. Two weeks before the completion of your project, you will receive an e-mail request to submit your justification via the application environment.

We are in the process of renewing this grant scheme for 2025. It is expected to be published in March. Keep an eye on our newsletter and website for the latest updates.

Hoe kom je tot een overtuigende aanvraag?

tip 1

be clear and do not repeat yourself

tip 2

support your proposal with visuals

tip 3

draw up a realistic budget

tip 4

take into your account your fee and those of partners

tip 5

ask for feedback and fine-tune your proposal

Steps to take

Do you want to apply for a subsidy under this grant scheme?

Start your application
do you have any questions?

If some of the information is not clear, email your question to our colleagues of the Regeling Internationalisering. You can also call on 010 436 16 00. If you have a more general question, have a look at our frequently asked questions first.