De Geert Bekaert-prijs voor architectuurkritiek 2025 | ArchiNed

Architecture Grant Scheme 2024
Granted amount: € 13.525

The Geert Bekaert Prize aims to stimulate architecture criticism in the Netherlands. This year, Archined has teamed up with OASE to organise a new edition. The prize is awarded to a critical reflection on architecture (including landscape architecture) or urban design that contributes to a lively debate within the field. The Geert Bekaert Prize stimulates critical thinking among starting writers in particular, but also established writers. An independent jury will evaluate the anonymised entries and compile a shortlist. During Critics Night, part of the Rotterdam Architecture Month, the authors present their nominated critical writing to the public. By focusing on multiperspectivity and deepening the dialogue on architecture, the foundation aims to promote critical thinking within the field and provide a platform for new perspectives.
